Life & Productivity Tips

Sharing what tips and insights I may have in living a productive life with purpose, empathy, integrity.

Avoid a Regretful Life - Jon Pedersen

6 Crucial Principles to Avoid Living a Regretful Life

Regrets are an inevitable part of life for most of us. However, they shouldn’t and they don’t have to. If you can understand — and apply — these 6 rules to your life then you can greatly minimise both the time being regretful and the reasons for being regretful in the first place. And I wish for you to avoid a regretful life.

8 Crucial Areas to Simplify Your Life - Jon Pedersen

8 Crucial Areas to Simplify in Your Life

Simplicity brings balance, freedom and joy. When you simplify your life and start to experience these benefits you begin to further ask where you can rid yourself of distractions and merely focus on what’s essential — and you become happier, more productive and less stressed.